Awards & Accreditations
Targe Towing is the longest serving continuous contractor for the Forties Pipeline System.
Targe Towing was the first towage company in the UK to operate a vessel to IMO Tier 3 standards.
Targe Towing was the first towage company in the UK to be accredited to the International Safety Management (ISM) standard.
Targe Towing was the first UK Towage Company to attain the ISO 50001 Energy Management standard.
Targe Towing holds certification to the ISO 9001 standard for Quality Management.
Targe Towing Ltd is part of the Forth Ports Group, and thus operates under the umbrella of group corporate policy. Please see below link:
Find out more about Targe Towing’s awards and achievements throughout the company’s years of operation:
2021: INEOS FPS – SHE Excellence award in recognition of 3 million Manhours Lost Time Injury Free.
2019: INEOS FPS – 25 years without lost time injury at Hound Point Award
2016: BP Forties Pipeline System Contractor Safety Gold Award for 2.5 million man hours without lost time injury operating at Hound Point
2014: BP Exploration – Partner of Choice Award – for 20 years without lost time injury operating at Hound Point
2012: Petroplus Silver Award for Safety
2009: BP Exploration certificate for 15 years Loss Time Injury free service at Hound Point
2008: Petroplus Refining and Marketing Limited – 4 years without lost time injury award
2006: BP Exploration, One Million Man Hours, 12.5 years, 15,000 tug assist jobs without lost time injury
2005: BP Shipping, CEO Inaugural Partner of the Year Award for Efficency, Safety and Environmental Initiatives
2005: Juran Institute of Amsterdam benchmarking “Best in Class” for Towage and Oil Spill Response
2005: BP Shipping CEO Special Award for Fire Fighting and Saving RNLI Station on Southend Pier, Essex